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 Social Media Management for Your Practice

Social media is about quality, not quantity. This is true when it comes to the size of your audience, and is also true when it comes to the amount of content you share.

Most Medical practices that dabble on their own with social media,use Facebook first.

But you may also want to get setup on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or Google+ — depending on the audience you’re trying to reach.

In addition to testing different posting frequencies, our team will also test different days of the week, and different times of the day. For some businesses, the majority of social media activity will take place during the Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. work week. Other businesses may see more engagement on weekends, early morning, or later at night.

It all depends on the audience, and when we think people are most likely to see our posts. We take this on 100% .

Break Bread Billing helps practices avoid the complicated ad tools altogether, by taking over their marketing campaigns and placing online targeted ads on more than 1,200 publishers, including Google, AOL, Digital First Media, and local news papers.

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